April 4 2023 11:04pm

From: Oscar

Thank you so much for reading! (o悜ā–½ć‚œ)oā˜†

All creative work is labor, but there’s no experience quite as isolating as writing a novel. In order to make it through, you have to go a little crazy over your work– a work that, by definition, no one else can experience. And then, once you’ve got the bad boy all nice and comfy in its cave, you’ve gotta pull back the curtain and let it burn up in the sun of outside scrutiny! Goodness gracious! How does anyone do it!

As such, I am eternally grateful to those who helped and supported me in the drafting and editing stage, just as I am here to thank everyone who is here now, having read I’m not Ophelia.

Even small gestures can mean the world. If you read the story and had any sort of Capital-T-Thoughts, feel free to leave a comment either in the guestbook or on the A03 page.

If you wish to support my work financially, I have a Patreon and Ko-fi. A print and ebook edition of InO is also currently in the works (don’t worry - the website will remain).

Until then, keep an eye on the site! I’ll try my best to post some smaller writings in the gap between stories (currently working on an essay that functions as a sort of companion piece to InO). As these things come to fruition, I will update this page. 

I believe that is all! Rest well, my creatures of the night~

Your humble servant,

Oscar Engel